Sunday, November 13, 2011

New apartment!

So, again, I must apologize for the long absence. School, work, commuting, moving, and planning to move across the country really cut into one's free time. 

Anyway, let's just skip the preamble and cut right to the chase. Although we are going to continue looking (in the event that we discover a rent-free townhouse), Matt and I think that we have found our new apartment! Thanks to my parents- they were the boots-on-the-ground reason we were able to find a place at all. Thanks so much for your help, guys!

Although I won't feel like it is completely ours until I cross the threshold, I wanted to post photos so that everyone (who am I kidding? So that Matt's mom and my grandparents) could see what will very likely be our new digs.

So here it is...

Our apartment is the on the second floor, right behind the palm branches (just follow the graceful arm gestures of our lovely realtor).

Next, the pool:

And the koi pond!

Moving inside- the (tiny) dining area....

The kitchen...

The bathroom (or, as the French say, la salle de bain)...

The shower...

And one of the two bedrooms (you're seeing a reflection in the sliding doors):

Also, while it is not included in the photos, there is a large living room with two big windows- yay for natural light!

Although it is not quite as glamorous as, say, Versailles, or the Taj Mahal, I think Matt and I will be quite happy here. And, with our extra bedroom, we can't wait to have visitors. 

Because who doesn't want to visit southern California?!